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St John The Baptist Primary School, Portadown

News Nuacht - Homepage

2019/2020 School Year

15th May 2020
Monday 18th May is the beginning of Eco Week. Attached are activity ideas which...
15th May 2020
How cools is this? Use the instructions below to make a skeleton hand 💀 🖐️...
15th May 2020
Friday is maths challenge day. Can you solve the problems below? Challenge...
13th May 2020
Whilst government messages are encouraging everyone to stay home for their safety...
13th May 2020
This challenge is for all the family 👪  Grab some willing volunteers and...
13th May 2020
Libraries NI have a great selection of stories on their YouTube channel this week!...
13th May 2020
With many families rediscovering a love of cycling. Here is a useful video from...