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St John The Baptist Primary School, Portadown
School Closed [17th March 2025] | First Confession [19th March 2025] | Green Day ☘ [14th March 2025]
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World Book Day “Read your way!” P7B

6th Mar 2025

P7B enjoyed a range of activities on World Book Day, to enjoy reading in a mixture of ways. 

We took part in an online football/ big book quiz in our house teams. 

During assembly we had to “drop everything and read” and some pupils had kindly brought in books for others to share and gave recommendations. 

We created our own book titles and covers on Adobe Express and entered a competition. 

One of the favourite activities was sharing stories with P1 pupils. 

We rounded the day off by relaxing with a cup of tea or hot chocolate, while enjoying a David Williams story.