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St John The Baptist Primary School, Portadown

Why did the Vikings leave their homeland? Stem experiment.

7th Feb 2020

As part of our World Around Us topic ‘The Vikings’ we were challenged to think about reasons why the Vikings would have left Scandinavia.

Through a discussion we discovered that some reasons would have been 

  • for more land
  • due to inheritance laws
  • marriage or even
  • politics.

One of the main reason Vikings left their homes however, was to find better land for farming.

The land in Scandinavia was not particularly good for farming as Sweden was covered in forests, Norway was very hilly and Denmark’s soil tended to be very sandy. Low temperatures also meant the growing season was short and the soil was also very acidic.

Today we conducted a STEM experiment to explore how plants can be influenced by seasonal or environmental change.

We explored

  • acidic soil
  • temperature and
  • sandy soil.

We look forward to seeing if our predictions are proved right.