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St John The Baptist Primary School, Portadown

The Great Bunscoil Bake Off

17th May 2022

Nach iontach an lá scoile a bhí againn ar an Aoine beag seo nuair a shúil muid chuig an siopa chun ábhair bunnóga a fháil. Rinne muid liosta spiopadóireachta amach agus chug muid an t-airgead don siopadóir. Ansin d'fhil muid ar scoil chun bunnóga a dhéanamh agus a ITHE 😋 

We had a brilliant day at school on Friday past when we walked to Litter's shop to buy ingredients to make buns for our Great Bunscoil Bake-off. There was a lot of planning involved. We split into teams, decided which buns to make, researched the ingredients needed and wrote shopping lists. We all brought in money to pay the shopkeeper. 

We were such good girls and boys while at the shop, that a kind delivery driver gave each one of us bouncy balls to keep. 

We returned to school and made our buns. Mr Guy was our guest judge, but secretly he just wanted to steal our buns! We enjoyed eating our buns and all agreed that it was a brilliant day at school!