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St John The Baptist Primary School, Portadown
School Closed [10th February 2025] | School Closed [11th February 2025] | School Closed [12th February 2025] | School Closed [13th February 2025] | Non-Uniform Day for Children's Mental Health Week [7th February 2025] On Friday, February 7th, we will have a non-uniform day and participate in ‘no-pen Friday’. We kindly ask that children bring in a minimum donation of £1. Thank you for your support!
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The Enormous Turnip

13th Apr 2021

This week we have been reading and learning about 'The Enormous Turnip.' We talked about vegetables that grow in the ground. We thought of other stories that begin with Once upon a time... such as Little Red Riding Hood and Goldilocks and the three bears. We used ordinal numbers to find out which character was 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th in the line. Acting out the story was the best part! The boys and girls were brilliant at pretending to be the farmer, the farmers wife, the dog, the cat and the mouse.