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St John The Baptist Primary School, Portadown
Carol Service St John the Baptist Church [16th December 2024] Families are invited back to school for light refreshments.
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Student Council Meeting with Mr McComb

17th Oct 2024

It was the children's turn to add their voice to our evolving school mission statement. Initially, we arrived at a first draft of our mission statement created by all of the staff in our school last term. Next it was the turn of our parents and governors who also contributed with some very valuable additions over the last few weeks. Last but certainly not least, it was the children's turn. The student council, who represent each of the older classes in the school, came up with some excellent ideas that will allow us to publish a final draft of the statement in the coming weeks. We also had the opportunity to discuss the children's strategies in regard to feeling anxious or not feeling safe. Our safeguarding talks and assemblies have been well worth it! Well done boys and girls.