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St John The Baptist Primary School, Portadown

Strength in tubes!

21st Nov 2023
In P7, we have been learning about different types of bridges. We enjoyed a practical activity, making tube structures and testing the strength of them by adding the weight of different objects. First, we assembled our own paper tubes using masking tape. We then worked in pairs to join our tubes with our partner’s. We found that the tubes were very strong, holding the weight of some classroom objects, such as water bottles, pencil cases and class pots. Finally, we joined the tubes of the whole class together, by holding them tightly and using masking tape to bind them. We voted whether or not we believed it would hold the weight of a pupil in our class, some weren’t sure! And the majority were right in believing it would! In fact, it held the weight of two pupils together and it even held the weight of Mrs Turley! We had great fun testing it out!