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St John The Baptist Primary School, Portadown

School Uniform

24th Jun 2021

Please note below our school uniform. We would greatly appreciate your support and co-operation in ensuring all pupils adhere to the uniform listed at the beginning of the new school year. 

School Uniform

School uniform is worn by all pupils and consists of the following:



Black trousers

Black skirt

Grey embroidered jumper

Grey embroidered jumper or cardigan

White shirt

Red/grey striped school tie

Black shoes

White blouse

Red/grey striped school tie

White socks / Black tights

Black shoes

During the months of May/June a red polo shirt may be worn as an alternative to the shirt and tie.


All these items are available from Robert Davidson, Bridge Street, Portadown.


It helps if children can easily recognise their own belongings.  Please ensure your child’s name is clearly marked on his/her coat, cardigan, jumper, tie, footwear etc.