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St John The Baptist Primary School, Portadown

School Dinners

2nd Nov 2020

We would like to thank all our parents/guardians for their patience and understanding while our canteen has been undergoing refurbishment in recent months.

This week our kitchen staff are back on site and we are working towards resuming our hot meal service. Initially until we are fully operational and can accommodate all class bubbles safely, hot meals will be provided for pupils in receipt of Free School Meals only from Wednesday 4th November. All other children should continue to bring a packed lunch to school. 

This situation will be kept under review and it is our hope that we will be able to provide a full service for all pupils as soon as it is viable.

Again, we are grateful for your support and co-operation at this time and we will keep you updated accordingly. 



November Menu (3rd Nov 2020) View download document