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St John The Baptist Primary School, Portadown
Carol Service St John the Baptist Church [16th December 2024] Families are invited back to school for light refreshments.
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Safeguarding - a huge priority

21st Oct 2024
Parents, we ask your support once again in checking our children can only access online material that is appropriate to their age. As you are aware, applications such as Facebook, Instagram and Snapchat can and should only be accessed by boys and girls who are 13 years old. Too often, we are involved in such sad stories, stories that are of a serious nature, when children have been able to access very inappropriate and unsuitable material online. Please remind the children that if they come across any pictures or videos that they know they should not see, that they should tell you so that you can keep them safe. Please also remind the children to avoid chat rooms when gaming. They don't really know who they are chatting with. In school our safeguarding team and our staff do exactly the same as you. The children know who to speak to in school if they are concerned, worried, anxious or sad. Our local neighbourhood police will also lend us their support in an effort to bring the internet safety message home. They will speak to our years 5,6 and 7 children on Thursday 7 November about keeping safe online.
Thank you for your continued help and support. 
Mr J McComb