Access Keys:

St John The Baptist Primary School, Portadown

Primary/Rang 7 Leaver Hoodie Collection & Post Primary Placement Notification

31st May 2020

P7 Leaver Hoodies will be available for collection on Thursday 4th June.

As on previous occasions, the following procedures will be in place in line with current restriction guidance.

  • One person per family is permitted to collect each Hoodie.
  • A one-way entry/exit system will be in place.
  • The 2m social distancing measure will also operate.

Please note collection times below:



12.00 – 12.45pm

A - M

12.45 –   1.30pm

Mc - W

Post-Primary Placement

The Education Authority will issue notification of post primary placements to parents/guardians for receipt on Thursday 4 June 2020.  This will also contain information on the appeals process and a link to the EA website for more information. The Admissions staff will be contactable by emailing should parents have any queries. Parents may also discuss any concerns re: their placement with the Principal on the afternoon of Thursday 4th June (noon – 3.30pm).