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St John The Baptist Primary School, Portadown
Carol Service St John the Baptist Church [16th December 2024] Families are invited back to school for light refreshments.
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Parenting NI Workshops

10th May 2023

Dear Parents and families,

We thought you might be interested in some upcoming Parenting Childrens Challenging Behaviour programmes which will be open to parents soon.

This programme aims to help parents understand children’s behaviours, recognise the triggers to their child’s behaviour and gives practical tips on how to reinforce positive behaviour.  It also promotes the authoritative parenting style which research shows to be the most effective.  The programme is suited to parents of children aged 2 -10 years old.


Parents just need to call the support line on 0808 8010 722 to book their space.

Programme dates and times

  • Tuesday 16th May from 10-11.30am x 6 weeks via zoom
  • Tuesday 16th May from 7-8.30pm x 6 weeks via zoom
  • Wednesday 17th May from 7-8.30pm x 6 weeks via zoom
  • Thursday 18th May from 7-8.30pm x 6 weeks via zoom