P2 Eco-Activities
15th Mar 2022
After reading the story of "The Messy Magpie" and talking all about different types of rubbish we can recycyle, we used litter pickers to select an item of waste from the pile and sort it to the correct place - compost waste, recyclable waste or general waste. We even found some clothing which we could "reuse" instead.
P2 had a lot of fun sorting things and then took the waste to the appropriate bins. The only downside was that some of it was a little "smelly"!!
You can talk to your child at home and see if they can remember some of the different items and help you sort your own rubbish.
St John The Baptist Primary School, 250 Garvaghy Rd, Portadown, Craigavon, Co Armagh BT62 1EB Phone: 028 3833 6211