Access Keys:

St John The Baptist Primary School, Portadown

Key Worker/Vulnerable Child(ren) Registration Information

12th Jan 2021

Registration for Key Worker/Vulnerable Child(ren) places in school will open each week on a Thursday and close at 12 noon on the Friday. Parents/Guardians must complete this form weekly by following the link on the School App.

Completion of the form with valid Key Worker/Vulnerable child status will guarantee an automatic place (you will not receive a phone call from the school to confirm your place).

Children who are attending school may bring an electronic device to complete their online learning for that day. If this is not possible other provisions will be in place. 

We are very grateful to those parents who have notified us of non-attendance after booking. It is important that we have this information and therefore, we would ask parents whose plans change and whose children may no longer require a place on particular days to keep us informed.