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St John The Baptist Primary School, Portadown

Accelerated Reader Information for Parents of Pupils in R4-7/P4-7

25th Jan 2021

We know our pupils have been very busy in the past few weeks engaging in online learning activities and we very much appreciate your support in this process. Many of the children have been reading over and above what has been asked and we are very keen to ensure that reading skills continue to be reinforced. Our children are constantly building their reading skills, along with their love for reading, using Accelerated Reading all year long. These experiences can also be enjoyed at home and time should still be spent reading silently every day. Any books read at home, provided there are quizzes to accompany these, will be awarded into your children’s account using our individual AR website at:

Pupils should use their log in and password to access AR and follow the steps below:

1. Go to 

2. Click I am a student

3. Enter individual pupil username and password

4. After entering username and password click Log in

5. Click Accelerated Reader button

6. Find a book – type in the name of a book you have read. Example: Billionaire Boy, then click Search.

7. Click Take a Quiz

8. Click I read by myself

9. Click Start Quiz

Please note:
Accelerated Reader enables your child to take comprehension quizzes on books already read in school or at home. Some books will also have a vocabulary quiz attached in addition to the comprehension quiz. Encourage your child to complete both.

Will enable you to source books with existing quizzes.

There are also other ways to access books from home. If children received books at Christmas or if your house is like mine, there may already be a range of books sitting on shelves waiting to be read. The local libraries are online and links have been posted on class pages on Google Classroom.

We have set up an email especially to help and support parents who are currently experiencing difficulties accessing AR at:

Please don’t hesitate to contact us with any queries. Happy Reading!

Literacy coordinator
Mrs Coleman