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St John The Baptist Primary School, Portadown

First Holy Communion: Saturday 29th August

27th Aug 2020

Our Primary 4 children received their First Holy Communion mass booklets today which should be taken to the Church with them on Saturday. Please help your children to prepare for their special day by spending time over the next two evenings learning the mass responses and prayers with them. 

Some children are nervous about receiving Communion for the first time and this is natural. At home encourage them to demonstrate what they must do and say when they receive Communion:

  • left hand on top of right
  • hands held up high
  • say 'Amen' after the priest says 'Body of Christ'
  • place the Communion host in mouth with right hand
  • bless themselves with their right hand
  • join hands and return to seat

By doing this your child will feel confident and ready for their special day.

Thank you for your co-operation