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St John The Baptist Primary School, Portadown

Earth Day 2021: Restore Our Earth 🌍

26th Apr 2021

On Thursday 22nd April we celebrated 'Earth Day along with thousands of other schools across the world. This year's theme was ‘Restore our Earth’ and we marked this special day with lots of eco-friendly activities. Foundation Stage pupils spent time outdoors, weeding and watering their flower beds. They also talked about the importance of recycling and sorted waste into the different bins in their classrooms. Key Stage 1 and 2 pupils explored the history of 'Earth Day' through the C2K news desk. They also planted sunflower seeds and created posters to raise awareness of the importance of protecting the earth. By taking part in activities such as these, not only on 'Earth Day' but throughout the year, we are making our world a happier, healthier place to live.