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St John The Baptist Primary School, Portadown
Carol Service St John the Baptist Church [16th December 2024] Families are invited back to school for light refreshments.
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Bridge building - Top Secret Engineering Challenge. 🤫

22nd Oct 2024

Today the boys and girls in P7Q were challenged to put their learning into action. The children were given 19 straws and a roll of masking tape. Working in pairs, and faced with a real life scenario - they had to rebuild a bridge in a village after it had been destroyed by an earthquake.

As part of the challenge, the children could bend but not cut the straws, they could only use the resources given and the completed the bridge then needed to support a weight after construction. 

Once again some outstanding examples of teamwork, problem solving as well as engineering. It was great to see so many groups being able to put their prior learning from previous lessons into practice. Brilliant job, P7 🙌🏻👏🏼