Access Keys:

St John The Baptist Primary School, Portadown


29th Sep 2023
Dear Parent/Guardian,
In St. John the Baptist Primary School/Bunscoil Eoin Baiste, we strive to promote an ethos and culture which encourages good attendance, where each pupil feels valued and secure and has access to learning for the maximum number of days and hours.
Children who are persistently late or frequently absent can fall behind with their learning and this can impact on their progress and ability to meet age related expectations.
Although parents/carers have the legal responsibility for ensuring their child’s regular attendance, we, as a school community, are keen to work in partnership with families to encourage and support all our pupils to develop good attendance habits.
If a child is absent from school, parents are asked to phone the office on the first day of absence to inform the school of the reason and expected length of the absence. Additionally, please confirm this with a written note when your child returns to school. If no explanation is provided an unauthorised absence is recorded. Should a pupil’s absence cause concern, or fall below 85%, they may be referred to the Education Welfare Service.
Throughout the year our aim is to promote 100% attendance with all our pupils and we have a number of rewards which the children are delighted to receive in acknowledgement of such an achievement. The school day begins at 8.55am and we ask for your support in ensuring pupils arrive punctually. Any child arriving after this time will be registered as late or absent. Absences must be clarified via a telephone call and written note as outlined above. Children achieving 100% attendance each half term will receive an attendance certificate with the best class attendance within each Key Stage receiving a trophy for the month as well as an ice cream for each child in the class kindly sponsored by our friends in Litter’s Garage. Please ensure your child attends school regularly and on time.
Regarding term-time holidays, we must reinforce the fact that children should not attend holidays during school time please. Days missed from school because of a holiday impact greatly on a child’s learning. We understand that certain emergencies, such as unplanned family events do occur; if this is the case, please let us know as soon as possible.  
Thank you for your ongoing co-operation.
Kind regards,
Mr Mc Comb

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