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St John The Baptist Primary School, Portadown
School Photographer 📷 [9th October 2024]
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Appeal for Photographs

16th Sep 2024

In 2025 we will celebrate our school’s 50th anniversary. As part of our celebrations we are hoping to produce a book of memories and photographs celebrating the past 50 years. If you have any photographs and would like to have them included in the book, then we would be very happy to have them. We are particularly looking for photographs from First Communion/ Confirmation celebrations as well as assemblies, carol services, nativity plays, prize nights and school trips.

If you would like to contribute any photographs for inclusion in the book, please clearly label the back of the photographs with your name and a contact number and place them into a sealed envelope. Please label the envelope: Mr Madden, 50th Anniversary photographs. Please leave envelopes into the office. Alternatively, if you have photographs in an electronic format (perhaps on an old mobile phone or digital camera) then these can be emailed to

All photographs sent into school will be returned to you.

Please send all photographs no later than Friday 18th October 2024.

We are aiming to publish the book in early January 2025.

Thank you for your contributions.