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St John The Baptist Primary School, Portadown
Carol Service St John the Baptist Church [16th December 2024] Families are invited back to school for light refreshments.
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News Nuacht

2022/2023 School Year

6th May 2023
Thankfully the sun was shining in Oxford Island where we spent a wonderful day exploring...
5th May 2023
Reminder First Communicants are asked to be seated in St John the Baptist Church...
5th May 2023
In support of Armagh reaching the Ulster Final we are having an Armagh day on Friday...
5th May 2023
P4 and R4 had a fantastic time learning all about habitats at Oxford Island with...
4th May 2023
Comhghairdeas leis na páistí seo a shaothraigh teastais Mhathletics...
4th May 2023
Congratulations to the 7th member of our class to achieve the highest award on Mathletics...
3rd May 2023
After both our First Communion celebrations, we are inviting our Primary/Rang 4...
3rd May 2023
On Tuesday 9th May, Cairde St John the Baptist PS have organised a Dance-a-thon...