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St John The Baptist Primary School, Portadown
School Closed [17th March 2025] | First Confession [19th March 2025] | Green Day ☘ [14th March 2025]
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News Nuacht

2019/2020 School Year

1st Jun 2020
The winners this week for most books read are: Bozhidara Dimitrova P6N –...
1st Jun 2020
Erika practising for the egg and spoon race  🥚 🥄
31st May 2020
P7 Leaver Hoodies will be available for collection on Thursday 4 th June . As...
31st May 2020
James Mallon Megan Megaw
30th May 2020
This week is all about maths ➕➖✖️➗ Challenge your family to a game of...
30th May 2020
⏰ Challenge Time ⏰ Today we have a few maths puzzles for you to try 🍀Good...
30th May 2020
🔺 Can you solve the magic triangle? 🔻 Good luck! 🍀