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St John The Baptist Primary School, Portadown

📚 Accelerated Reading Prize Winners 📚

20th Apr 2020

Good morning boys and girls,

I hope you enjoyed your Easter break in the fabulous sunshine. Today we would be returning to school for our last term before the summer holidays, so it’s back to work again!!!

Congratulations to our top 5 winners who were successful in completing the most quizzes and scoring 85% or higher. Well done!

  1. Kai O Neill – 34 quizzes
  2. 2. Ava O Neill – 24 quizzes
  3. 3. Megan Mc Quaid – 23 quizzes
  4. 4. Lile Ni Fharghail and Oscar Nowak who both completed 16 quizzes
  5. 5. Aine Mc Donald – 16 quizzes.

Prizes will be presented when we return to school. Next week we will be focusing on the highest number of points scored. I hope you are enjoying and taking the time to read as much as you can. Reading of any kind is both important and beneficial to sustain and improve literacy skills in these unprecedented times.